Riverside's Knowledge Path
Our Story

At Riverside School in Albert Bridge, Cape Breton, our first priority is making sure we’re able to give our students the tools they need to learn and grow. Essentially, Riverside’s Knowledge Path is a natural extension of our classrooms, providing students with the opportunity to take their learning outside.
Every member of our School Staff agrees that if we provide equitable opportunities for all students to practice mindfulness strategies in the outdoors, it will result in the strengthening of their well-being and improved student achievement.
As well, Riverside School has been the hub of our local communities for 20+ years, dedicated to lifelong learning for our students, families, and community members.

It all started with a dream
This project arose from a multi perspective desire to help our students to take their learning outside, and to create within our communities, a platform to learn about Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and with our indigenous U’nama’ki neighbors. It was also noted there are no walking paths or trails in the Albert Bridge community for adolescent groups for learning, personal development or recreation in an outdoor space.
Thanks to the courage of Indian residential school Survivors and the work of the TRC, more people and students than ever before are reflecting on what Canada will look like as reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples becomes a reality.
It falls on all people living in Canada to continue the work of healing and reconciliation, each in our own way and where possible, together, in our families and communities, and as
a nation.
At Riverside, we believe our school is an excellent place to begin.
What is our vision?
We’ve seen that our students’ excitement and enthusiasm for learning outdoors along our Path have become household conversations, and has led to their families utilizing Riverside’s Knowledge Path. We’re excited that our students are contributing to the engagement and empowerment of their families around wellness times and healthier active lifestyles as they choose to walk, reflect, run or snowshoe the trail (which is open year round).
By forging a stronger connection to our outdoor world, our students and community members not only become stewards in protecting our environment, but also improve their mental health and contribute to an active lifestyle.

Making our dream reality
Project planning began in May 2019. The need for All-ages community interest in activities such as geocaching and snowshoeing piqued our interest at Riverside, and a desire to initiate this project.
What are our goals?
Our Goals
We will invite other schools and communities to utilize The Knowledge Path, because we know that by working together to address the legacy of our shared history, we can work toward re-balancing relationships, bring together our different ways of knowing, and leave the world a better place.
As Peter Strople notes:
Legacy is not leaving something for people.It’s leaving something in people.
Riverside’s Knowledge Path will continue to create a legacy that can take future generations to another level.